Thursday, December 6, 2012

2 weeks away...

We are getting close to having this baby girl here! We are currently 2 weeks away from the due date! The last new months have gone by very quickly! We have been showered with love and many wonderful gifts by our dear family and friends. I am currently taking vacation from work which has been much needed. I am currently very uncomfortable and we are just waiting! I think we have everything that we need to bring this baby home and survive at least the 1st night.

Monday, October 15, 2012

We are getting close to the end...

Well Ben and I have made it 3/4 of the way!!!! We have made it through 30 weeks and we only have 10 left!!! I went to the doctor on October 3rd and I had the pleasure of doing my glucose test! I drank my orange drink (which was not as bad as I thought it would be... it just tasted like a bottle of cough syrup) and went to get my blood drawn. It was suppose to be drawn at 3:03 and it was 3:33 before they finally got what they needed. They ended up poking me 7 times in order to get enough blood. They finally got it in the vein between my knuckles... it was very painful!!! I had a baby shower at work on Sept 26th.. it was wonderful!! Everyone was so generous and we got so many great gifts!! This last week my mom, grandma and I decided to cover a rocking chair in hot pink... it looks AMAZING!!! It is definitely my favorite piece of furniture that I currently own. Ben is currently working with the Men's Acapella Chorus on preparing for their Christmas concert. They are now having 2 rehearsals a week. Last week our baby girl decided that she thought it would be funny to not move for 2 days. I felt her kick twice in 48 hours. I started freaking out and Ben decided we were going to have "Operation - get Brooklyn to move". My cute husband tried everything he could think of to get her moving. What finally worked... watching a scary movie! When I am scared or start freaking out she starts kicking like crazy!! I love this baby girl!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Daddy - a daughter's first love

Our baby girl loves her daddy!!!! She is kicking like crazy and I start talking and all kicking/hitting comes to an end. However, when Ben starts talking she goes crazy!! The last few days I had not felt her move much and I was beginning to worry. However, last night Ben was watching the BYU vs Boise football game (which was a horrible game!) and he started yelling at the TV. She was going so crazy that I laid in bed and watched my stomach move where she was hitting me. Today, I sat down on the couch next to Ben and each time he talked... I got kicked! All I can say is... this baby girl loves her daddy! We are on the downhill side of this pregnancy! This baby girl is due 3 months from yesterday!!! We will be at 7 months next week!!! I cannot believe how fast time has gone. We have crib bedding and a crib... So, we are making progress in our preparations for this baby girl! Cravings during the 6 month include but are not limited to.. Raspberry frozen yogurt, bean and cheese burritos, cheese, and peanut butter sandwiches.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ben felt our baby girl!

Ben and I were able to go camping for Labor day. We spent a wonderful weekend at Bear Lake!! Yesterday, Ben and I were cleaning up camp. I sat down to take a break and our baby girl started going crazy!!! I put my hand on my stomach and I wasn't sure if I could feel her on my hand or on the inside. So, I told Ben to come and feel... sure enough, Ben felt a little tap coming from the inside. I loved watching his face light up. I wish I would have had a camera ready! Ben is going to be such a great dad!!! I am so excited to meet our little girl (not too soon of course)!!!

Our Baby's Gender

On August 6th Ben and I were able to go to the doctor's office and have an ultrasound to find out our baby's gender. After 50min of trying to persuade the baby to show the doctor all that they needed to see, we got to the part to find out gender and the baby had their legs closed (of course). So, I got up and went to the restroom, did a few jumping jacks and came back to lay down. A few minutes later it was announced that we are having a baby GIRL!!! The ultrasound was not easy on me... laying on my back for 50min I almost passed out and was extremely light headed. We were unable to see some of the baby girl's body parts. So, we will get to do another ultrasound on our next visit!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

We are almost half way!!! We will be able to find out gender in 11 DAYS!!! In between naps and feeling sick I can't help thinking that I know without a doubt that our bundle of joy is coming straight from Heaven. I can't help but rethink how all the pieces fell into place. On April 2, 2012 I went to the doctor, I spoke with him about trying to have a child with no success. He said that we were going to do a bunch of tests and get to the bottom of this. On April 4, 2012 I went in and had 8 tubes of blood drawn (without passing out... yay me!). That weekend (April 8, 2012) Ben and I were able to go to his parents for dinner. We told Dennis and Kathleen what was going on and asked Dennis to give me a father's blessing to prepare me for the tests and more importantly the results that I would be getting that week. A before we knew I was taking a pregnancy test on April 10, 2012 with a POSITIVE result. That night I announced to Ben that we would be having a "Little Buck" or a "Small Doe". I know that my Heavenly Father is the reason this all came together. I am so excited/anxious/scared for December to get here... but I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

4 Months!!!

I am almost half way there!!! I am 4 months pregnant... time has gone by so fast! I went to the doctor yesterday and I was able to hear the heart beat (147 times a minute)! He said that everything sounded great!!! We will find out the gender at our next appointment in 4 weeks!!!!!! I have come to realize what a miracle it is to be able to have children! I just need to remember that when times get hard (i.e. throwing up breakfast). So, many woman have the desire to be pregnant and be a mom. I am just so grateful for the opportunity I have to do all of that!!! I need to remember not to take this opportunity for granted. I am grateful for an intelligent doctor who knows what is best for me and an amazing family! I am also grateful for a husband who is always by my side!!!